(ISC)² Congress 2019 Wrap Up

(ISC)² Congress 2019 Wrap Up

(ISC)² Congress 2019 Wrap Up 2048 1536 Andrew Hay

Lares had the pleasure of supporting the 2019 (ISC)² Congress as a Silver Sponsor in Orlando, FL last week. We had a number of great conversations with people wanting to learn more about Lares as well as the differences between penetration, red team, and purple team testing.

It also helped that we had delicious security-themed fortune cookies at the booth.

When not at the booth, we found ourselves roaming the show floor chatting with attendees and potential partners about security challenges and difficulties breaking through the marketing noise often presented by product security vendors – one of the reasons we chose to raffle off two noise-canceling headsets.

I also had the opportunity to present two highly interactive sessions at (ISC)² Congress which were well received by security leaders looking for different methods for communicating the importance of their security program objectives to employees, peers, and management.

The event and conversations were well worth the trip. If you’re a security executive or looking to grow into the role, I highly recommend you put this event on your calendar for next year.

Where There is Unity, There is Victory

[Ubi concordia, ibi victoria]

– Publius Syrus

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