Penetration Testing

Full, Manual Exploitation Mirroring a Real-World Attack

Penetration testing (or pentesting), is an authorized, simulated attack on an organization's electronic assets to determine the likelihood of compromise and the level of impact a successful attack would have on the organization.

Penetration Testing

Penetration Testing is conducted to confirm the valid attack vectors of your organization. This process goes beyond identifying and validating vulnerabilities to full manual exploitation, mirroring a real-world attack. The Lares® engineers will gain initial access, attempt to elevate privileges, execute lateral movement, and leverage the access to perform post-exploitation activities.

Continuous Testing

Constant threats require a constant measure of security. Lares sets up a custom monitoring system for internal and external resources to identify environmental changes and assess them for vulnerabilities. When any change is identified, analysis from our team of expert testers is contacted. This constant testing model replaces unreliable bug-bounty programs with verified professional testers working continuously to find and validate risks before criminals do.

Insider Threats

Lares will perform various activities from a standard internal position, whether from an internal address or a standard corporate desktop or laptop. Our engineers will emulate a real-world insider threat and map out the true risk to your organization, as well as remediation and mitigation paths to improve the overall resistance to this common attack path.

OSINT Services

Lares' team members perform advanced intelligence collection, analysis, and exploitation techniques. We will become the adversary and work to identify all publicly accessible information that threatens your organization's security. Following the collection and analysis phases, our consultants will prepare a detailed report containing our methodology, the information identified, why the information was targeted for collection, and a full analysis of the risk the information poses to your organization.

Hardware Testing

Our hardware practice focuses on approaching hardware as part of a comprehensive penetration test or Red Team engagement. In most cases, it is built upon attack vectors or other identified areas of exploitation we are already discussing with you. The Lares team has been engaged by some clients to solely assess, analyze, deconstruct, reverse engineer, and decompile individual, specific devices for organizations.

RF Spectrum

Lares goes beyond industry-standard radio-testing protocols such as WiFi, Bluetooth, and RFID by targeting the spectrum from 1 MHz to 6 GHz. This allows unprecedented insight into communications systems for common systems such as GPS, cellular communications, process control networks, computer peripherals, custom protocols, and more.

Vulnerability Research

Lares’ vulnerability research and development team focuses on identifying previously undiscovered security flaws in a wide range of technologies. Our team has a wealth of knowledge and experience in discovering and exploiting vulnerabilities affecting closed-source applications, custom networking protocols, hardware devices, autonomous or smart vehicles, and physical-access security controls. This service can be custom tailored to satisfy your unique requirements.

Supply Chain Testing

Security programs are only as strong as their weakest link. Whether it is a new acquisition or a third-party provider, even the most advanced program will have weakness in the supply chain. Lares has created a unique service to replicate the connection and integration into your organization's supply chain, in order to identify vulnerabilities in its exposure. Increased threat surfaces combined with non-inspected interdependence can create a blind spot only found after exploitation has happened. Lares helps identify these exposures and threats before loss can occur and helps maintain the integrity and security of your brand.

Cloud Environment Testing

Lares’ cloud services testing reflects our deep insight into tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) leveraged by attackers across the three major clouds, Azure and Azure Active Directory, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Infrastructure, Platform, and Software service models (IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS, respectively). We possess significant expertise in the areas of configuration and architectural reviews, cloud attack methodology, and advanced persistent threat (APT) simulation. Armed with attack expertise in Azure, GCP, and AWS, our cloud resources use custom tools and methods to replicate modern APT groups and advanced threat actors.

Ensuring Robust Security Through Detailed Assessments

With a history of pioneering effective security measures, including the creation of the Penetration Testing Execution Standard (PTES), Lares is at the forefront of cybersecurity. Our detailed approach encompasses full manual exploitation, continuous testing, and insider threat assessments designed to effectively uncover and address vulnerabilities. Equip your team with the insights and advanced strategies developed by Lares' seasoned experts to fortify your defenses against potential threats.

Lares Top 5 Penetration Test Findings For 2022

Lares® encounters a seemingly endless number of vulnerabilities when we conduct a penetration test or red team engagement, regardless of organization size or maturity. Though not every engagement is identical, we have analyzed the similarities between hundreds of engagements and the following penetration test findings represent the most frequently observed methods to facilitate access throughout 2022.

Some of Our Delighted Customers

"The expertise and professionalism that Lares' Purple Team brings to the table are unmatched. We will definitely be bringing them back for future engagements."
Benjamin Vaughn
SVP & CISO, Hyatt
"They wanted to see us succeed as much as we wanted to see us succeed. This is why, 10 years later, we are still having this conversation."
Jeffrey Hecht
(Former) Chief Compliance & Security Officer, The Word & Brown Companies
"The biggest benefit of having a Lares vCISO is getting guidance on how to tackle security issues and determining a realistic approach on how to address them."
Andrew Casceillo
Corporate Director of Technical Services, Ulbrich Stainless Steel and Speciality Metals Inc.

CASE STUDY: Word & Brown

Using a culture of security as a baseline, Word & Brown achieved compliance because of its security journey — not in spite of it.

WEBINAR: Top 10 Penetration Test Findings of 2022

Join Mike Guthrie as he discusses the most frequently observed penetration test findings encountered by the Lares team.

WEBINAR: How to Scope Your Next (or First) Penetration Test

Getting ready for pentesting services with Lares is less about project scoping questions and preparing clients for a journey of continuous improvement – a journey to maturity. Our testing services path is marked by four phases, using frameworks as guideposts towards an improved security posture.

Empowering Organizations to Maximize Their Security Potential.

Lares is a security consulting firm that helps companies secure electronic, physical, intellectual, and financial assets through a unique blend of assessment, testing, and coaching since 2008.

16+ Years

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Where There is Unity, There is Victory

[Ubi concordia, ibi victoria]

– Publius Syrus

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Continuous defensive improvement through adversarial simulation and collaboration.

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