
How I Compromised Your Complex Password from The Internet

How I Compromised Your Complex Password from The Internet 1090 204 Ben Goodman

How I Compromised Your Complex Password from The Internet One of an attacker’s first goals is to gain a foothold in a target environment. The role or permissions of an…

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Azure and Azure Active Directory Monitoring Use Cases

Azure and Azure Active Directory Monitoring Use Cases 1522 2048 Anton Ovrutsky

Intro Wrangling data exposed by various Azure services is a daunting challenge. Because numerous tables exist with many available data types, finding the table with a particular Azure action or…

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Taking a Look at Office 365 Logs

Taking a Look at Office 365 Logs 1090 727 Anton Ovrutsky

Intro Office 365 enables productivity and collaboration among teams and business units. As it’s utilization grows in popularity, productivity tools become increasingly attractive targets to attackers. So often attack chains…

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Malicious Azure AD Application Registrations

Malicious Azure AD Application Registrations 1090 726 Lee Kagan

Background It’s important I point out upfront that nothing I am demonstrating I can take credit for. Evidence of this used in the wild was talked about as mentioned here…

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Hunting Azure Admins for Vertical Escalation: Part 2

Hunting Azure Admins for Vertical Escalation: Part 2 1360 1068 Andrew Hay

  This post is part 2 in the Hunting Azure Admins for Vertical Escalation series. Part 1 of this series detailed the usage and functionality of Azure authentication tokens, file…

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Hunting Azure Admins for Vertical Escalation

Hunting Azure Admins for Vertical Escalation 2048 1402 Lee Kagan

In this post, we will look at a rather simple, but important procedure when attacking organizations that leverage cloud providers such as Microsoft Azure. There is a lot of excellent…

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Where There is Unity, There is Victory

[Ubi concordia, ibi victoria]

– Publius Syrus

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