Red Team

Cultivating a Culture of Security and Innovation through Red Teaming

Cultivating a Culture of Security and Innovation through Red Teaming 1600 1067 Andrew Hay
Red Teaming is more than a cybersecurity exercise; it’s a strategic tool that can significantly enhance an organization’s resilience, innovation, and strategic planning when integrated into the organizational culture and risk management framework. As executives, we champion this approach, fostering a culture that values continuous improvement, openness, and strategic foresight. read more

Navigating the Red Teaming Process: An Executive Guide to Effective Cybersecurity Practices

Navigating the Red Teaming Process: An Executive Guide to Effective Cybersecurity Practices 1600 1067 Andrew Hay
Red Teaming is an essential component of a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy. By meticulously planning, executing, and analyzing Red Team exercises, organizations can significantly enhance their preparedness for real-world cyber threats. As executives, our commitment to these practices protects our digital assets and reinforces our reputation as a secure and trustworthy business. read more

Executive Insight: Mastering Red Teaming for Enhanced Security

Executive Insight: Mastering Red Teaming for Enhanced Security 1600 1067 Andrew Hay
Understanding Red Teaming’s significance is vital for robust security in the evolving cybersecurity domain. It’s more than hacking; it encompasses penetration testing, physical security assessments, and adversarial simulations. This approach tests and enhances resilience against diverse threats, ensuring comprehensive organizational security. Executives must recognize its strategic importance for safeguarding assets. read more

Distractions, Dilution, & Permissive Infrastructures … (Chris Krebs, CyberWarCon 2021)

Distractions, Dilution, & Permissive Infrastructures … (Chris Krebs, CyberWarCon 2021) 1080 720 Mark Arnold

Chris Krebs Keynotes CyberWarCon 2021 In recent years ahead of Thanksgiving, I’ve made an effort to attend one of the newest CONs on the circuit and maybe now my favorite…

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How to Scope Your Next (or First) Pentest

How to Scope Your Next (or First) Pentest 2048 1365 Mark Arnold

How to Scope Your Next (or First) Pentest The following blog post summarizes some of the key points from the first extracted session of the inaugural Lares Customer Summit that…

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Purple Teaming with Lares

Purple Teaming with Lares 2048 1536 Mark Arnold

Purple Teaming With Lares The following blog post summarizes some of the key points from the first extracted session of the inaugural Lares Customer Summit that took place on Wednesday,…

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Security and Converged Workspaces

Security and Converged Workspaces 2048 1365 Mark Arnold

The Forcibly Converged Network The convergence of home and corporate networks continues unabated. Converged workspaces are here to stay for the foreseeable future. Most converged networks that we assess are…

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Seeing Red

Seeing Red 1638 2048 Mark Arnold

Seeing Red Recently, I asked my Lares mates to comment on a red team (RT) architecture post I stumbled upon. A volley of responses ensued with the conclusion: “That’s a…

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Malicious Azure AD Application Registrations

Malicious Azure AD Application Registrations 1090 726 Lee Kagan

Background It’s important I point out upfront that nothing I am demonstrating I can take credit for. Evidence of this used in the wild was talked about as mentioned here…

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Article: Pen-Test Results Hint at Improvements in Enterprise Security

Article: Pen-Test Results Hint at Improvements in Enterprise Security 1090 728 Andrew Hay

In a recent DarkReading interview by Jai Vijayan, Lares CEO Chris Nickerson provided insight into how organizations are making it more difficult for attackers to succeed. From the article: “I…

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Where There is Unity, There is Victory

[Ubi concordia, ibi victoria]

– Publius Syrus

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