Upcoming Webinar: Purple Teaming with ATT&CK

Upcoming Webinar: Purple Teaming with ATT&CK

Upcoming Webinar: Purple Teaming with ATT&CK 300 300 Andrew Hay


Join us on May 6th to learn how can teams come together on both offense and defense to outmatch the highest priority threats. This open and frank discussion featuring experts at VMware Carbon Black and Lares will cover how to cut through the noise so you can direct your prevention, detection, and response toward the attacks that matter most.

Security programs are struggling with noise. What is legitimate, and what is suspicious? Attackers use that to their advantage to hide and move around inside your environment. Offense should inform defense – but is that truly happening? The attack paths are less focused on exploitation and more successful with tactics and techniques. Visibility and monitoring are the most effective ways to defend against these breaches.

This webinar will discuss the top threats seen in the wild, as well as the top ways Red Teams are actually breaking in. Cybersecurity experts will explore what defensive programs are missing – and how you can deploy defensive strategies to make attacker’s job extremely difficult.

You can register for the free webinar here: https://www.carbonblack.com/resource/purple-teaming-with-attck/

We hope to see you there!

Where There is Unity, There is Victory

[Ubi concordia, ibi victoria]

– Publius Syrus

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