
Empowering Organizations to Maximize Their Security Potential

The Top 10 Penetration Test Findings from 2019 with Eric Smith and Tim McGuffin

The Top 10 Penetration Test Findings from 2019 with Eric Smith and Tim McGuffin 1080 720 Andrew Hay

Lares® encounters a seemingly endless number of vulnerabilities and attack vectors when we conduct a penetration test or red team engagement, regardless of organization size or maturity. Though not every…

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Hunting Azure Admins for Vertical Escalation: Part 2

Hunting Azure Admins for Vertical Escalation: Part 2 1360 1068 Andrew Hay

  This post is part 2 in the Hunting Azure Admins for Vertical Escalation series. Part 1 of this series detailed the usage and functionality of Azure authentication tokens, file…

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Your Assistance Is Needed: Defeating Disinformation

Your Assistance Is Needed: Defeating Disinformation 1080 1440 Mark Arnold

Follow Up: Tricks, Trolls, and Securing the Home Worker In our recent blog about securing home workers, we drew attention to the impact of social engineering and the spread of…

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Tricks, Trolls & (Securing) the Home-Based Staffer

Tricks, Trolls & (Securing) the Home-Based Staffer 1080 798 Mark Arnold

By now, you are most likely working from home for purposes of social distancing. Call it whatever you will, ‘shelter in place,’ ‘hunkering down,’ or ‘self-quarantine,’ we have all been…

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Announcing Lares Office Hours

Announcing Lares Office Hours 1080 721 Andrew Hay

In-person office hours are important for learning and engagement, yet risk serving only people who live close to one another and have flexible schedules. Many people have family responsibilities and…

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Credit Union Morning Coffee – Week of March 23, 2020

Credit Union Morning Coffee – Week of March 23, 2020 1328 740 Andrew Hay

Welcome to the Lares Credit Union Solutions Credit Union Morning Coffee informative video for the week of March 23, 2020. This video provides Credit Union executives, IT staff, and security…

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Pandemics Bring Out The Worst Kind of Internet Pariah

Pandemics Bring Out The Worst Kind of Internet Pariah 387 387 Mark Arnold

Zoombombing is one of the latest digital shenanigans to surface during the current COVID-19 crisis to abuse video conferencing users. With the increased reliance on video conferencing platforms due to…

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Questions With Andrew: What is Ransomware?

Questions With Andrew: What is Ransomware? 1438 769 Andrew Hay

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Credit Union Morning Coffee – Week of March 16, 2020

Credit Union Morning Coffee – Week of March 16, 2020 1328 740 Andrew Hay

Welcome to the Lares Credit Union Solutions Credit Union Morning Coffee informative video for the week of March 16, 2020. This video provides Credit Union executives, IT staff, and security…

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Hunting Azure Admins for Vertical Escalation

Hunting Azure Admins for Vertical Escalation 2048 1402 Lee Kagan

In this post, we will look at a rather simple, but important procedure when attacking organizations that leverage cloud providers such as Microsoft Azure. There is a lot of excellent…

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Where There is Unity, There is Victory

[Ubi concordia, ibi victoria]

– Publius Syrus

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Continuous defensive improvement through adversarial simulation and collaboration.

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