
Empowering Organizations to Maximize Their Security Potential

Credit Union Morning Coffee – Week of May 25, 2020

Credit Union Morning Coffee – Week of May 25, 2020 1328 740 Andrew Hay

Welcome to the Lares Credit Union Solutions Credit Union Morning Coffee informative video for the week of May 25, 2020. This video provides Credit Union executives, IT staff, and security…

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Lares Contributes to the Verizon DBIR

Lares Contributes to the Verizon DBIR 833 833 Andrew Hay

Another year has passed and that means that it’s time for the annual Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR). In its 13th year, the DBIR provides data from real-world breaches…

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Lares Featured in Recent EternalBlue Article

Lares Featured in Recent EternalBlue Article 200 200 Andrew Hay

Our friend Dan Raywood over at Infosecurity Magazine recently published his Q2 2020 Parting Shots editorial piece with several references to Lares and our 2019 Top 10 Penetration Test Findings…

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Credit Union Morning Coffee – Week of May 18, 2020

Credit Union Morning Coffee – Week of May 18, 2020 1328 740 Andrew Hay

Welcome to the Lares Credit Union Solutions Credit Union Morning Coffee informative video for the week of May 18, 2020. This video provides Credit Union executives, IT staff, and security…

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Credit Union Morning Coffee – Week of May 11, 2020

Credit Union Morning Coffee – Week of May 11, 2020 1328 740 Andrew Hay

Welcome to the Lares Credit Union Solutions Credit Union Morning Coffee informative video for the week of May 11, 2020. This video provides Credit Union executives, IT staff, and security…

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I Want a Pentest, Part 1

I Want a Pentest, Part 1 1474 1024 Mark Arnold

What Could Possibly Go Wrong? I once contracted out a firm to perform a pentest to satisfy our annual pentest for our PCI-DSS requirements. We went through the phases of…

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What Are Lares Office Hours?

What Are Lares Office Hours? 1090 727 Andrew Hay

As many of you know, we have been running weekly Office Hours sessions after our very successful pilot program back in March. We’ve had friends, colleagues, customers, and prospects drop…

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Credit Union Morning Coffee – Week of May 4, 2020

Credit Union Morning Coffee – Week of May 4, 2020 1328 740 Andrew Hay

Welcome to the Lares Credit Union Solutions Credit Union Morning Coffee informative video for the week of May 4, 2020. This video provides Credit Union executives, IT staff, and security…

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Meet The Lares Team: Chris Lytle

Meet The Lares Team: Chris Lytle 720 721 Andrew Hay

Tell us a little about yourself. I’ve been active in the community and scene for over a decade now. I joined the Lares application security team back in 2016. Outside…

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Credit Union Morning Coffee – Week of April 27, 2020

Credit Union Morning Coffee – Week of April 27, 2020 1328 740 Andrew Hay

Welcome to the Lares Credit Union Solutions Credit Union Morning Coffee informative video for the week of April 27, 2020. This video provides Credit Union executives, IT staff, and security…

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Where There is Unity, There is Victory

[Ubi concordia, ibi victoria]

– Publius Syrus

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Continuous defensive improvement through adversarial simulation and collaboration.

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